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Our missions

Our missions


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To bring together river or land operators near the river located in its area of ​​intervention in order to allow a harmonious and synergistic development of their activities, and to propose to the public authorities and public establishments a centralized action to gain in efficiency in all the steps aimed at improve and develop their farms ...

The intervention area includes ...

> The reach of Paris (between the lock of Port à l'Anglais in the Val de Marne and the lock of Suresnes in the Hauts de Seine)

> The Saint Martin canal and its surroundings

> The Ourq canal and its surroundings

> The territory corresponding to that of the Seine Aval agency of Ports de Paris, namely the Seine on the departments 78, 92, and 95 and the Oise on the 95

... To represent all the companies established in its area of intervention, having an economic activity related to the river or the banks of the river,

To offer common responses to the issues facing companies located in its area of intervention (for example in terms of safety, public transport, vocational training, waste management, community IT, etc.), to share and exchange experiences on the economic, administrative, social and technical levels.

To assist all the authorities, bodies or organizations involved or likely to intervene directly or indirectly in its area of intervention,

Develop the image and attractiveness of the port area and promote the economic, social and environmental utility of the industrial and logistics activities of its companies.

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The intervention area includes ...

... To represent all the companies established in its area of intervention, having an economic activity related to the river or the banks of the river,

To offer common responses to the issues facing companies located in its area of intervention (for example in terms of safety, public transport, vocational training, waste management, community IT, etc.), to share and exchange experiences on the economic, administrative, social and technical levels.

To assist all the authorities, bodies or organizations involved or likely to intervene directly or indirectly in its area of intervention,

Develop the image and attractiveness of the port area and promote the economic, social and environmental utility of the industrial and logistics activities of its companies.

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