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  • Le saviez-vous ? | Communauté Portuaire de Paris | France

    Did you know ? La ville de Paris La ville de Paris La Seine à Paris Iles sur la Seine Blason de Paris Les coches d'eau Canaux Austerlitz L'Ile aux Cygnes Le GR2 Les bateaux à aubes Le touage Les bateaux mouches Les bouquinistes Lexique La Seine à travers les siècles Visuels historiques Le Pont Neuf Les fêtes historiques Napoléon et le fleuve Paris au XIXème siècle A la Crypte archéologique de Notre Dame de Paris The city of Paris In addition to this, you need to know more about it. The Gallic tribe of Parisii had established the oppidum of Lutetia around present-day Nanterre. The Romans will not be able to take it, because the Gauls set it on fire. They were nevertheless defeated shortly after on the current Champ de Mars, and it was the Romans who transferred Lutetia to the current location of Paris. La Seine à Paris The Seine in Paris In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Paris is a threshold of the river, which explains the appearance of islands by sedimentation. It has been the center of life there with many activities: mills on boats towards the Pont au Change, timber stevedores, who dismember the timber from rafts, pit sawyers, carpenters, hemp growers and tail-makers, horse breeders. , blacksmiths, wash-house boats… In the Middle Ages, merchants gathered in the merchants 'parlor to discuss their regulations, and instructed the merchants' provost to enforce it. This foreshadowed the future office of mayor and the powerful corporation, which had the monopoly of supply by river, constituted, without having been invested, the municipality of Paris. In addition to this, you need to know more about it. The coat of arms of Paris Flanked by the motto “fluctuat nec mergitur”, this symbol of Paris gives pride of place to the Seine. It was Philippe Auguste, who left for the Crusades, was the first to integrate a boat into the Parisian coat of arms. In addition to this, you need to know more about it. The water ticks In addition to this, you need to know more about it. They were boats pulled by horses and used by travelers from the 17th to the 19th century. In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Canals In addition to this, you need to know more about it. We owe the Canals of Paris to Napoleon I, who wanted to remove unpleasant activities from the city. The lock of the Bras de la Monnaie in 1853, then the lock of Suresnes in 1867 put Paris in deep water and made the canals lose their interest. In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Austerlitz In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Before the construction of the Gare d'Austerlitz, there was a project for a boat station, which prefigured the principle of the ports of Gennevilliers or Bonneuil sheltered from the river. Blason de Paris Les coches d'eau Canaux Iles sur la Seine Austerlitz L'île aux Cygnes ​ Ne doit pas être confondue avec l’ancienne Île des Cygnes, rattachée fin XVIIIe à la berge, qui constitue l’actuel Port de la Bourdonnais face au quai Branly, et qui servit de cimetière, notamment à 1200 victimes de la St Barthélémy. L’ile aux Cygnes, plus petite île de Paris, au départ simple digue, a quant à elle été créée de toute pièce en 1825. Elle abrite la réplique de la Statue de la Liberté, et a failli accueillir un aérodrome urbain, imaginé par l’architecte André Lurçat dans les années 1930. Elle a constitué une gare fluviale de marchandises dans le cadre du Port de Grenelle. On y aurait retrouvé une barque viking enfouie. L'Ile aux Cygnes Ile des Cygnes Crédit photo : Belles photos Ile des Cygnes - Plan de Turgot - 1739 Crédit photo : Histoires de Paris Le GR2 Swan Island In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Should not be confused with the former Île des Cygnes, attached at the end of the 18th century to the bank, which constitutes the current Port de la Bourdonnais opposite the Bramly quay, and which served as a cemetery, in particular for 1,200 victims of St Barthélémy. The Ile aux Cygnes, the smallest island in Paris, originally a simple dike, was created from scratch in 1825. It houses the replica of the Statue of Liberty, and almost hosted an urban airfield, designed by the architect André Lurçat in the 1930s. It set up a river freight station as part of the Port of Grenelle. In addition to this, you need to know more about it. The boats at Aubes on wheels for Rouen In addition to this, you need to know more about it. From 1836 to 1838, it is from the Quai d'Orsay that the passenger boats leave for Rouen, then the pier is pushed back to Pecq next to Versailles, which the passengers join by train. It is then the waterway which is the preferred mode of transport on the Seine basin. First of all complementary, the railway will then overcome its competitor. In addition to this, you need to know more about it. The Touage In addition to this, you need to know more about it. The French towing technique was developed at the beginning of the 19th century, allowing a boat using a chain at the bottom of the water and using a steam engine to tow up to 15 barges. The rest will be taken, once the channels have been deepened, by propeller boats, fly boats and tugs. In addition to this, you need to know more about it. The open-excursion boat In addition to this, you need to know more about it. They appear in Lyon in 1864, and arrive in Paris in 1867, after the impoundment of the Suresnes lock. Very quickly very popular, the first mass urban transport. In addition to this, you need to know more about it. The rain in Paris As strange as it may seem, the rainiest month is May (63.2 mm of water on average), the least rainy month is February (41.2 mm). Les bateaux à aubes Les bateaux à aubes à roues pour Rouen ​ De 1836 à 1838, c’est du quai d’Orsay que partent les bateaux de voyageurs pour Rouen, puis l’embarcadère est repoussé au Pecq à côté de Versailles, que les passagers rejoignent en train. C’est alors la voie fluviale qui est le mode de transport privilégié sur le bassin de la Seine. Tout d'abord complémentaire, le chemin de fer aura ensuite raison de son concurrent. Maisons-Laffitte, le pont, embarquement des bateaux de Paris à Rouen. Crédit photo : Site Google Bateaux touristes Le touage Le touage ​ Mise au point au début du XIXe siècle la technique française du toueur, permet à un bateau à l’aide d’une chaîne au fond de l’eau et grâce à une machine à vapeur de tracter jusqu'à 15 barges. La suite sera prise, une fois les chenaux approfondis, par les bateaux à hélices, bateaux mouches et remorqueurs. Les bateaux mouches Les bateaux-mouches ​ Il apparaissent à Lyon en 1864, et arrivent à Paris en 1867, après la mise en eau de l’écluse de Suresnes. Les bateaux mouches datent de l’exposition universelle de 1867. Très vite très populaires, d’abord utilisés comme transport public, ils s’imposent ensuite comme attraction touristique. ​ Ce modèle date de 1895. Source : Musée Carnavalet " Paris is the only city in the world where the river flows between two rows of books " Blaise Cendrars BOOKSELLERS Corporation born in the 16th century, which today has 217 booksellers for 900 boxes (length 2 m, width 0.75 m, green "wagon" like the Wallace fountains, Morris columns, or subway entrances). Candidates for the classification of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Unesco. Emblem the lizard, because flourishes in the sun. Sempé Les bouquinistes Website Booksellers are opening a new store ... online. In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. Lexique LEXIQUE VOCABULAIRE Berges En 1860 au moment de la suppression des corporations à Paris, 670 personnes travaillaient directement des bords du fleuve. ​ Les DEBARDEURS était l'appellation générale de ceux qui déchargeaient les bateaux. ​ Les COLTINEURS portaient le charbon dans des corbeilles. ​ Les MALFRATS dépeçaient le bois. ​ Les DEROULEURS débarquaient les fûts de vin. ​ Les DECHIREURS mettaient en pièce les bateaux qui avaient descendu la rivière. ​ Les LACHEURS étaient chargés de faire passer les trains de bois sous les ponts. ​ Les RAVAGEURS cherchaient dans la boue des bords d'eau les matières perdues pour les revendre. La Seine à travers les siècles Visuels historiques THE SEINE THROUGH THE CENTURIES 1/11 Site Geneanet Cartes postales historiques de la Seine La construction du Pont Neuf au XVIIe siècle Le Pont Neuf Source : Musée Carnavalet Les fêtes historiques 1730 - Feu d'artifice entre le Pont-Neuf et le Pont-Royal 1938 - Fêtes d'eau Fête pour madame Les fêtes historiques Napoléon et le fleuve Napoléon et le fleuve ​ Napoléon et la Seine ​ Ses visites de son vivant : ​ 1784 , il arrive jeune officier Bonaparte à Paris de Troyes par une coche d’eau au pied du pont Marie, 1802 en visite officielle à Rouen et au Havre où il prononcera la fameuse phrase « Paris, Rouen, Le Havre ne sont qu’une même ville dont la Seine est la grande rue », 1810 à Rouen avec Marie-Louise pour y lancer des grands travaux, dont la construction d’un pont de pierre. ​ En 1840 , post mortem, la dépouille de l’Empereur reviendra à Paris par la Seine : Arrivée à Cherbourg sur la frégate de 54 m la 'Belle Poule'. Le cercueil est installé sur la 'Normandie' le 8 décembre , Puis après une halte au Havre le 9 , il sera à nouveau transbordé au Val de la Haye sur le bateau à vapeur no3 de la compagnie Les Dorades (une des deux compagnies avec les Etoiles qui reliaient Paris avec des bateaux à vapeur) au sein d’une flottille totalisant 14 bateaux, Pour passer à Rouen le 10. Arrivée à Courbevoie le 14. Le cercueil est placé dans un temple funéraire sur un bateau catafalque, Et rejoint sur un char impérial les Invalides le 15 au départ du pont de Neuilly par un convoi terrestre. Cette procession a marqué l’histoire de la Seine par l’engouement suscité tout au long du parcours (ex : 100 000 personnes à Rouen), mais aussi par la popularisation des bateaux à vapeur, qui en a résulté. Premier transbordement à Cherbourg Passage de la dépouille à Rouen Catafalque de Napoléon sur la Seine Arrivée de la dépouille à Courbevoie Napoléon et les canaux ​ On lui doit les canaux de Paris, l’Empereur avait déjà la vision de raccorder Anvers puis Rotterdam. ​ ​ Canal de l'Ourcq - Voulu par Napoléon, il fête ses 200 ans - Le parisien - Septembre 2022 Paris au XIXème siècle PARIS au XIXème siècle (Source visuels Le Chronoscaphe) ​ 'Le Pont du Diable' ​ Le pont construit sur cet emplacement de la Seine fut plusieurs fois reconstruit, en bois en pierre, avec des maisons, plus haut, plus bas… C’est justement parce que la construction en pierre de 1853, baptisée Pont Notre-Dame , est plus basse que de nombreux accidents fluviaux surviennent. On le surnommera Pont du Diable pour cela. La photographie illustre parfaitement ce diabolique nom. Et c’est donc pour remédier aux dangers qu’il fait peser sur la circulation des bateaux, que le pont est transformé en 1919 , les trois arches du centre sont remplacées par une arche unique et métallique ; c’est ainsi que nous pouvons toujours le voir aujourd’hui. L'exposition de 1937 sur les quais de Seine Port La Bourdonnais 1937 Construction de la Tour Eiffel et Port de La Bourdonnais en devenir A la Crypte archéologique de Notre Dame de Paris A la Crypte archéologique de Notre Dame de Paris Cliquez sur l'image pour l'agrandir

  • Le fluvial pratique | Communauté Portuaire de Paris | France

    Useful links Liens utiles Organismes professionnels Administration Cartes Notes Cliquez sur les liens ci-dessous pour retrouver toutes vos informations utiles. Liens utiles Organismes professionnels Economic environment River Media of the river sector In addition to this, you need to know more about it. CCNR publication Overview of the European inland navigation market In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Boats of the future CCNR Final Report In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Happy Seine Site on the Seine In addition to this, you need to know more about it. River Boat Owners Committee Professional union interior navigation In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Weather statistics Paris Parc Montsouris weather station website Administration Economic environment River Media of the river sector In addition to this, you need to know more about it. CCNR publication Overview of the European inland navigation market In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Boats of the future CCNR Final Report In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Happy Seine Site on the Seine In addition to this, you need to know more about it. River Boat Owners Committee Professional union interior navigation In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Weather statistics Paris Parc Montsouris weather station website Economic environment River Media of the river sector In addition to this, you need to know more about it. CCNR publication Overview of the European inland navigation market In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Boats of the future CCNR Final Report In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Happy Seine Site on the Seine In addition to this, you need to know more about it. River Boat Owners Committee Professional union interior navigation In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Weather statistics Paris Parc Montsouris weather station website Cartes Notes Notes ​ Note sur l'utilisation de biocarburants pour les bateaux fluviaux lors des JO 2024 ​ ​ Cartes ​ Cartes Vallée de la Seine ​ Carte Vallée de la Seine Sabine Réthoré 2022 ​ Carte Vallée de la Seine Ecole n ationale supérieure de paysage - Versailles 2016 ​ Cartes VNF ​ Carte VNF L ogistique VNF 2018 ​ Carte tourisme fluvial VNF VNF 2022 ​ ​ Le corridor multimodal européen de transport Amsterdam Marseille ​ ​ Le Bassin Rhin Moselle ​ ​ Le Bassin Saône Rhône ​ ​ Le Bassin Seine Escaut Rhin ​ ​ Le corridor multimodal européen de transport Amsterdam-Marseille ​ Carte Haropa Port VNF ​ Carte escales bateaux à passagers Haropa Port Paris VNF ​ ​

  • Le fluvial réglementaire | Communauté Portuaire de Paris | France

    Regulatory and practical links Textes réglementaires Démarches réglementaires Liens réglementaires pour les équipages Berges de Seine Aides publiques Cliquez sur les liens ci-dessous pour retrouver toutes vos informations utiles. Textes réglementaires Démarches réglementaires Berges de Seine Liens réglementaires pour les équipages Practices In addition to this, you need to know more about it. The price of a port stopover In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Your itinerary In addition to this, you need to know more about it. A navigation title In addition to this, you need to know more about it. A floating establishment permit In addition to this, you need to know more about it. ERP authorization In addition to this, you need to know more about it. A building permit In addition to this, you need to know more about it. A service booklet In addition to this, you need to know more about it. A book of used oils In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Navigation maps In addition to this, you need to know more about it. In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Aides publiques River Seine Development Plan 2019/09 In addition to this, you need to know more about it. The Seine River Development Plan 2019 (Prefecture IDF) - Strategic leaflet In addition to this, you need to know more about it. PPRI - Flood risk prevention plan for the Paris department In addition to this, you need to know more about it. PLU Paris UV zone In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Issue of navigation titles in a restricted navigation area In addition to this, you need to know more about it. TERT - Technical note on the application of the texts transposing Directive (EU) 2016/1629 In addition to this, you need to know more about it. The new Orientation Scheme for Banks and Ports in Paris In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Extension of PAMI (A) to passenger vessels In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Exceptional deductions - "Over-depreciation" ecological transition In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Restricted Zone Decree of August 2018 In addition to this, you need to know more about it. In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Regulatory and procedures In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Administrative assistance portal for the Fluvial River transport and waterway professionals The water rating In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Mandatory on-board documents In addition to this, you need to know more about it. RGP - General Police Regulations In addition to this, you need to know more about it. RPP - Special Regulations of Police Seine Paris In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. RPP - Particular Police Regulations Canaux de Paris In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Shipping notice n ° 1 In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Ports of Paris calls for projects In addition to this, you need to know more about it. VNF calls for projects In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Calls for projects from Canaux de Paris In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Unemployment and network situation 2019 In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Tax over-depreciation (BOFIP link) In addition to this, you need to know more about it. River Seine Development Plan 2019/09 In addition to this, you need to know more about it. The Seine River Development Plan 2019 (Prefecture IDF) - Strategic leaflet In addition to this, you need to know more about it. PPRI - Flood risk prevention plan for the Paris department In addition to this, you need to know more about it. PLU Paris UV zone In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Issue of navigation titles in a restricted navigation area In addition to this, you need to know more about it. TERT - Technical note on the application of the texts transposing Directive (EU) 2016/1629 In addition to this, you need to know more about it. The new Orientation Scheme for Banks and Ports in Paris In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Extension of PAMI (A) to passenger vessels In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Exceptional deductions - "Over-depreciation" ecological transition In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Restricted Zone Decree of August 2018 In addition to this, you need to know more about it. In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Liens réglementaires​ pour les équipages ​ ​ AERMA - Interprétation réglementaire - Equipage minimum : Composition des Équipages ​ Pour les toutes les démarches de délivrance, renouvellement, échange de qualifications et informations sur le domaine fluvial, le ministère a mis en place des liens internet : ​ Transport fluvial e t professionnels de la voie d'eau ​ ​ Demande de délivrance, d’échange et de renouvellement de certificats et d’attestations professionnelles pour un membre d’équipage de pont en navigation fluviale : ​ Transport fluvial et professionnels de la voie d'eau ​ Demande de livret de service, livret de service combiné et livret de service rhénan : ​ Livret de service ​ Demande d’échange d’ancien livret de service en navigation fluviale et de livret de service rhénan : ​ Echange ancien livret de service ​ Demande de livre de bord : ​ Livret de bord ​

  • Tout savoir sur le fleuve | Communauté Portuaire de Paris | France

    Useful links Podcasts Media Vidéos Etudes et rapports Plans de Paris à travers les siècles HALL open science - Thèses JOP 2024 Cliquez sur les liens ci-dessous pour retrouver toutes vos informations utiles. Podcasts Media Etudes et rapports Vidéos Plans de Paris à travers les siècles Economic environment River Media of the river sector In addition to this, you need to know more about it. CCNR publication Overview of the European inland navigation market In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Boats of the future CCNR Final Report In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Happy Seine Site on the Seine In addition to this, you need to know more about it. River Boat Owners Committee Professional union interior navigation In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Weather statistics Paris Parc Montsouris weather station website Economic environment River Media of the river sector In addition to this, you need to know more about it. CCNR publication Overview of the European inland navigation market In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Boats of the future CCNR Final Report In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Happy Seine Site on the Seine In addition to this, you need to know more about it. River Boat Owners Committee Professional union interior navigation In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Weather statistics Paris Parc Montsouris weather station website Podcasts In addition to this, you need to know more about it. From the nourishing Seine to the spectacle Seine In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Living by the River 1/4 In addition to this, you need to know more about it. The Seine and the 1910 floods In addition to this, you need to know more about it. The Hauts de Seine was one of the bastions of power boating In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Banks of the Seine In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Living by the River 2/4 In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Jean Bruel, historian and visionary, comments on the banks of the Seine In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Paris Seine: entry into service of the river taxi In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Paris, the Seine and its frogs - Invitation to travel In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Paris Beach In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Travel to France along the Seine In addition to this, you need to know more about it. A little history ... In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Links to maps of Paris: In addition to this, you need to know more about it. The relief of the Paris site Gallo-Roman Paris The Seine, the bridges, the ports in the year 1000 Paris in 1300 Paris in 1450 Paris in 1600 Paris in 1700 Paris in 1790 Paris in 1850 Paris in 1900 In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Seine historical illustrations Economic environment River Media of the river sector In addition to this, you need to know more about it. CCNR publication Overview of the European inland navigation market In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Boats of the future CCNR Final Report In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Happy Seine Site on the Seine In addition to this, you need to know more about it. River Boat Owners Committee Professional union interior navigation In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Weather statistics Paris Parc Montsouris weather station website HALL open science ​ ​ #Renouveau du fluvial et dynamiques métropolitaines : Le cas des ports fluviaux franciliens (1980-2010) ​ #L’apprentissage performant du transport fluvial : Quel accompagnement du projet de canal Seine Nord Europe ? ​ #Analyse de trajectoires fluviales : A partir de données SIA pour la conception d’une passerelle ​ #Enjeux et perspectives du développement du transport fluvio-lagunaire au Bénin (Afrique de l’Ouest) : Le cas du corridor Cotonou-Lagos ​ #Voies navigables et desserte portuaire : Massifier les flux pour intégrer le transport fluvial dans les chaînes logistiques portuaires : étude des impacts économiques et environnementaux. Le cas du transport fluvial conteneurisé ​ #Paris La Seine #Les autoroutes de la mer ​ #Apprentissage du transport fluvial : Analyse de deux projets dans le Valenciennois ​ #Villes et ports fluviaux : Le projet comme dispositif de reconnexion? Regards croisés sur Bruxelles et Lille ​ #Le paradoxe du transport fluvial français : A l'aune du management public durable ​ #La blockchain dans l’organisation du transport fluvial : Une approche par la théorie de l’agence ​ #Les villes ports : Laboratoires de la mondialisation ​ ​ HALL open science - Thèses JOP 2024 ​ ​ Mission JOP 2024 | Préfecture de Police ​ ​ ​ JOP 2024

  • Organisation Professionnelle | Communauté Portuaire de Paris | France

    Riva sur la Seine à Paris 1/9 The Seine is a jewel, Paris is its setting. Jusqu'aux Jeux Olympiques de Paris 2024 NOS PRIORITES Alongside other professional organizations which participate in the development of trades and projects on national rivers and bodies of water, the Port Community of Paris was created to meet the specific needs of Parisian operators, whether they operate on the Seine or on its surroundings. In addition to this, you need to know more about it. LA COMMUNAUTE PORTUAIRE DE PARIS EST UNE ASSOCIATION QUI REGROUPE LES ENTREPRISES DU FLEUVE ET DES CANAUX. Alongside other professional organizations which participate in the development of trades and projects on national rivers and bodies of water, the Port Community of Paris was created to meet the specific needs of Parisian operators, whether they operate on the Seine or on its surroundings. In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Some numbers More than 50 million tourists on the year 2018 in Île-de-France 1st half of 2019: 17.3 million tourists registered in Île-de-France 7.5 million tourists took a cruise on the Seine in 2017 An increase of 16% compared to 2016 22 millions de tonnes transportées en 2021 1 million de camions évités sur les routes La Seine : 14 compagnies de croisière La Seine : 8 millions de passagers 2024, ANNEE DES IMPRESSIONNISTES THE PARIS PORT COMMUNITY TAKES PART IN THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE SEINE IN ALL ITS ASPECTS. In addition to this, you need to know more about it. It listens to its members and supports them in their operational and development issues. It is at the disposal of the Institutions present on the waterway to help them in achieving their objectives. It is also a force for proposals to ensure that the services provided there are in a spirit of cooperation and solidarity. It acts to promote the economic development of its members with an overview that includes all stakeholders in the waterway in Paris and its surroundings. She works on major events that contribute to the influence of the Seine in Paris. In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Our missions THE LEADERS OF THE PARIS PORT COMMUNITY In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Whether they are founding members, members of the Bureau or simple members, most of them have in common a great field experience that they make available to all those who wish to have a practical vision of the way things are done. "On the water" or "at the water's edge", in Paris. Sensitive files are supported by the Port Community of Paris to shed more concrete light on the themes addressed. In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Office priorités LES PRIORITES DE LA COMMUNAUTÉ PORTUAIRE DE PARIS La transition énergétique des flottes, dont la CPP a pris l’initiative ​ Elle vise la remotorisation des 141 bateaux navigants commerciaux sur le bief et les canaux et représente un investissement de 100 M €. Un groupe « pilote » de 12 armateurs, apportant chacu n un bateau, et représentant les 6 activités navigantes s’est constitué, afin d’élaborer la méthode qui s’appliquera ensuite à l’ensemble des bateaux. En parallèle nous engageons une réflexion sur le bateau du futur. La logistique urbaine fluviale Seuls les bateaux permettent de massifier de manière écologique les flux entrants et sortants de la ville. Le chaînage terrestre s’effectue ensuite par des petits véhicules zéro émissions sur des distances raccourcies. La mixité des usages, sur un même site, voire sur un même bateau, en fonction des espaces ou des périodes Les emplacements à Paris sont rares, seuls les partages permettront d’en optimiser l’usage. Il faudra aborder désormais chaque site et chaque bateau en réfléchissant aux complémentarités entre culture, loisir, négoce, industrie, ou logistique. Il ne s’agit pas d’opposer les usages mais de les concilier. Le fleuve induit une mobilité qui suggère flexibilité et créativité dans la réflexion. ​

  • La vie de la CPP | Communauté Portuaire de Paris | France

    The life of the PPC Docs officiels Témoignages Instants choisis Paris en poèmes et en chansons Docs officiels Membership slip Download Up-to-date statutes Download Témoignages Some testimonials from CPP members “During the campaign for the organization of the Olympic Games in Paris, the Community intervened to make proposals with a view to improving the traffic of passenger boats during the event, featuring a large pontoon partially obstructing the lane. water; the effects were therefore, and with the help of other associations, considerably reduced. ” - BV Instants choisis News and CPP appointments Paris en poèmes et en chansons Pour chaque rubrique, cliquer sur les liens (textes soulignés ) vous permet de lire les poèmes, d'écouter les chansons, ou de savoir comment se procurer les livres. PARIS IN POEMS Song of the Seine - Jacques Prévert "The Seine is lucky She has no worries She takes it easy Day and night And it comes out of its source Very slowly without noise And without making foam Without getting out of bed She goes to the sea Passing through Paris The Seine is lucky She has no worries […] ” In addition to this, you need to know more about it. The Mirabeau Bridge - Guillaume Apollinaire "Under the Mirabeau bridge flows the Seine And our loves He has to remind me of that Joy always came after pain. Vienna at night strikes the hour The days go by I remain […] ” In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Paris and the Seine - Paul Verlaine “Paris has beauty only in its history, But this story is so beautiful! The Seine is absurdly cashed in, But its light green alone is worth the fame. Paris has no gaiety except its patter, But this patter, although quite filthy, He goes around the languages ​​of the world, Add a little salt to this bland stew. […] " PARIS IN SONGS 1 love Paris - Vanessa Paradis April in Paris - Nat King Cole Paris Summer - Nancy Sinatra The Mirabeau Bridge - Léo Ferré See Paris again - Benjamin Biolay In April in Paris - Benjamin Biolay The more I kiss you - Thomas Dutronc In Paris - Yves Montand Paris May - Nougaro I love Paris in May - Aznavour It's 5 o'clock - Jacques Dutronc The romance of Paris - Charles Trénet On the river - M, Patrice Renson Under the sky of Paris - Edith Piaf When Paris passes away - Jean-Louis Aubert At the Seine - Léo Ferré Left bank - Alain Souchon Pont des arts - Saint-Germain The banks of the Seine - Etienne Daho and Arnold T urboust

  • Membres | CPP

    Members Hello ! In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. Are you new to this site? In addition to this, you need to know more about it. You wish to join the Port Community of Paris and take advantage of all the benefits of our members? CPP directory access Access and share CPP files Follow-up and participation in our blog Be kept informed of our news and appointments in real time In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. So, follow the registration process. Go to the top of the site on the Registration / Connection bar In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Once your membership is finalized. By clicking on 'My CPP account', you will find out how your private area works and how to take advantage of all its features. In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Thank you, see you soon ! Are you already a member of the Port Community of Paris? Then log into your account. Go to the bar Registration / Login In addition to this, you need to know more about it. In both cases, prepare your login email and password! In addition to this, you need to know more about it. In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

  • Bibliographie | Communauté Portuaire de Paris | France

    Did you know ? Pour acheter un ouvrage ci-dessous et obtenir le lien vers le site marchand concerné : Cliquez sur le titre OU cliquez sur le QR code pour l'agrandir et le scanner ! Histoire Romans Environnement Guides Ponts de Paris - HL Dubly - 1957 Paris/Seine Ville Fluviale - F Baudouin - 1989 Villeneuve la Garenne images du passé Mémoire en Images Villeneuve la Garenne - J Tournet-Lammer - 2004 Des Chevaux, des Péniches et des Hommes - M Chantre - 1998 Des Bateaux Mouches aux Bateaux Bus - L Roblin - 2009 Paris et la Batellerie du XVIIe au XXe - F Baudouin Les ports maritimes de la France atlantique (XIe-XVe siècle), volume 1 - M Tranchant - 2018 Les transports sur la Seine aux XIIIe et XIVe siècles - Alain Sadourny - 1976 L'estuaire de la Seine - Bruno Lecoquierre - 1998 Pour consulter un document ci-dessous : Cliquez sur le titre OU cliquez sur le lien hypertexte rouge ! Etudes/Rapports Presse/Articles Plans/Cartes Seinographie Vallée de la Seine XXL Sites de Baignade en Seine et en Marne Véloroute des Bords de Seine Filière céréales en Vallée de Seine le Contrat de Plan Interrégional Vallée de la Seine Paris Métropole sur Seine Le Tourisme Fluvial et Maritime dans la Vallée de la Seine Les Jeux de Paris accélérateurs d'innovations durables pour la logistique urbaine Pour consulter un document ci-dessous : Cliquez sur le titre OU cliquez sur le lien hypertexte rouge ! Poésie Le goût de la Seine - Editions Mercure de France - Parution le 14/03/2024

  • CDT-Haropa-Port| Communauté Portuaire de Paris | France

    Office HAROPA PORT CONSEIL DE DEVELOPPEMENT TERRITORIAL DE PARIS Séverine Chapus, représentante de la Communauté Portuaire de Paris, Présidente du Conseil de Développement Premier collège : représentants de la place portuaire (9 membres) : ​ Florence BOUTMY, directrice CEMEX Île-de-France Pablo LIBREROS, directeur général Granulats Lafarge Arnaud DANIEL, directeur général adjoint Bateaux Parisiens – Compagnie des Batobus Patrick SCHMITTER, directeur CroisiEurope Olivier NAVETTE, directeur usine de Limay SARP Industries Thomas DUBOIS, directeur général SUEZ Recyclage et Valorisation Île-de-France Emma RECCO, directrice générale stratégie et développement IKEA France Éric VERON, directeur général VAILOG France Stéphane CASSAGNE, directeur général GEODIS ​ Deuxième collège des représentants des personnels des entreprises exerçant leurs activités sur le port (3 membres) : ​ François BORGET, Didier DEPIERRE, La nomination de la troisième personne fera l’objet d’un arrêté préfectoral complémentaire au premier. ​ Troisième collège des représentants des collectivités territoriales et leurs groupements situés dans la circonscription de la direction territoriale de Paris (9 membres) : ♦ Représentant la région Île-de-France : Grégoire de LASTEYRIE Delphine BÜRKLI ​ ​ ♦ Représentant la métropole du Grand Paris : Jean-Michel GENESTIER et son suppléant : Luc CARVOUNAS ​ ​ ♦ Représentant le conseil départemental des Hauts-de-Seine : Jean-Christophe FROMANTIN et son suppléant : Thomas LAM ​ ​ ♦ Représentant la ville de Paris : Pierre RABADAN ​ ​ ♦ Représentant l’établissement public territorial Boucle Nord de Seine : Patrice LECLERC et son suppléant : Chaouki ABSSI ​ ​ ♦ Représentant l’établissement public territorial Grand Paris Sud Est avenir : Denis ÖZTORUN et son suppléant : Jean-Pierre CHAFFAUD ​ ​ ♦ Représentant la communauté urbaine Grand Paris Seine et Oise : Raphaël COGNET et son suppléant : Yann PERRON ​ ​ ♦ Représentant la communauté d’agglomération Grand Paris Sud Seine Essonne Sénart : Oumar DRAMÉ et son suppléant : Pierre PROT ​ Quatrième collège des représentants des milieux professionnels et associatifs intéressés au développement du port (9 membres) : Séverine CHAPUS, représentant la Communauté Portuaire de Paris Erwan LE MEUR, président de la Communauté Portuaire Seine Aval Marie-Odile BERTINCOURT, représentant la communauté portuaire CAP Bonneuil Laura ALFANO, représentant la chambre de commerce et d’industrie Paris Ile-de-France Didier LÉANDRI, président délégué général d’Entreprises fluviales de France Patrice Henri DUCHÊNE, représentant France nature environnement Karine LÉGER, directrice générale AIRPARIF Stéphane BOUSQUET, directeur du bassin de la Seine Voies Navigables de France Roberto HUET, représentant UNICEM ​ Membres de la Communauté Portuaire de Paris

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